

- Guardians are people who advocate the Theory of Objectivity in their terms. In order to become a Guardian the interested party must send a substantiated text that justifies the Truths presented by the Theory of Objectivity as the only logical and possible way for a valid Existential Universe to be formed. Individuals who submit valid translations of the Theory of Objectivity into other languages, except English, will also be chosen as Guardians.

- The defense text may address only a specific part of the Theory of Objectivity, correlated to a particular epistemological theme.

- The selection of Guardians will be carried out exclusively by the author of the Theory of Objectivity.

- It is a condition for becoming a Guardian that your text of defense or translation of the Theory of Objectivity be published on the website and in other publications, along with your name and academic qualification.

- The author of the Theory of Objectivity will inform via e-mail to the interested party that he was chosen to become a Guardian.

- The Guardians who present relevant defenses of the Theory of Objectivity will be chosen, at the sole discretion of the author, to form a Guardians Special Group that will begin with seven members and that will have the function of assisting in the management of the dissemination of Theory of Objectivity throughout the world.

- The members of the Special Group shall also be given the task of electing, by unanimous vote, from the year following the formation of that group, new Guardians for the Special Group, at most one per year and not less than one every three years , ensuring that there are always Guardians in this group with nationalities coming from the five continents of planet earth.

- There will be no limit or time limit for the selection of new Guardians for the General Group.

- Guardians who are not part of the Special Group will have their names, defense and qualification texts published on the official website of Theory of Objectivity. The Guardians of the Special Group will also have their names quoted, in chronological order of the presentation of the defense, in all other integral publications carried out on the Theory of Objectivity outside the official website.

- Every Guardian may only be selected for the Soecial Group if he has his name previously listed in the General Guardians.

- Translators who have their translations chosen as officers for each of the languages ​​other than Portuguese, except the English, will have all their rights of translator protected.

- The Guardians Special Group shall consist of a maximum of twenty-four members.

- The Guardian function is lifelong and a Guardian of the Special Group can only be dismissed unanimously from the votes of the other Guardians of this group.

- Updates of the theory will be carried out by the exclusive authority of the author, even guided by proposal of the Guardians.

- After the death of the author of the Theory of Objectivity the Guardians of the Special Group will assume all functions of updating, defending and spreading the theory.

- All the rights of the heirs of the author are safeguarded.

If you are interested in becoming a Guardian, fill out the form on the contact tab with your qualification and brief justification, and the author will send a full copy and free of charge to you.


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