A third theory of the origin of the universe.

THE THEORY OF OBJECTIVITY is a third theory of the origin of the universe, serving as an alternative to the Big Bang Theory and Creationism. It describes how the universe was formed from Nothing. However, Nothing does not have the same meaning as zero and actually implies the existence of a logic prior to atomic existence. The fundamentals of this theory are seven absolute truths, based on logical premises of geometric, mathematical, and rational order. It explains the formation of the space, atomic units, and existential systems. Time and space in this theory have the same meaning. It also includes a description of quantum mechanics based on the essential logic of the theory.

Prior to the existential Universal Era there was an antagonistic time, in which there were as yet no atomic elements, but only the logical expansion of Nothing, based on seven fundamental mathematical truths, called absolute truths. At the end of the Antagonistic Era, the universe was formed in a logical way and time became countable. The formation and transmission of knowledge are determining factors, and in fact they represent one of the fundamental pillars of the Theory of Objectivity.

Vidamor Cabannas

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