


COMMENTARY NUMBER 001 - 09/25/2016


Human science has recently presented what they consider to be the fifth fundamental force of nature. I must adduce that any fundamental force proposed to exist in the universe will not be true without a logical construction, which is also true when considered with sensible human reason stripped of dogmatic religious, and philosophical and scientific values. Empirical tests and measurements are essential to science, and therefore, also to human knowledge. However the knowledge built up so far has created a mosaic of incomplete information that is often confusing and contradictory. It is not for any other reason that science itself periodically changes positions previously adopted.

It is available to every critical eye to analyze and ponder that the first fundamental force of nature, which physicists call the gravitational force, is in truth a logical consequence of the Second Absolute Truth that underlies this Theory of Objectivity, which states that "Every element existing in the universe has a magnetic field, an aura giving it a unique existence and separating it from the other existing elements and from the universe itself." 

The gravitational force of the celestial bodies occurs within what this theory calls the zone of convergence, resulting from the merger verified between Hydrogen atoms (Memory Units) and other Units of Reason in the essential centrifugal process that created the celestial spheres.

The second fundamental force of nature, which is related to electromagnetic phenomena are actually presentations of the total alternating centrifugal plasma. As in this theory it is presented in a logical and chained way, the total plasma that occurs mainly in the essentially centrifugal spectral zones is the result of the junction of two previous plasmas. One is the Secondary Plasma, which is formed together with the Memory Units from the Embryonic Memory framing fields. Tertiary Plasma is formed at a later time than the secondary from the extrusion process that transforms the primitive atomic mass into spectra. This transformation of the primitive atomic mass occurs from the alternating currents of this tertiary plasma and the secondary plasma, when these currents converge to the centers of the spatial dimensions and initiate the essential centrifugal process. As is presented in a grounded manner in this theory, the secondary plasma is a magnetic plasma and the tertiary plasma is a charged plasma. These two plasmas are the fundamental essences that make up the universal quantum along with the atomic units. These two plasmas, as can be verified in a grounded manner within this theory, will result in the electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena when they cease to appear in the centrifugal, alternating or total form.

Every sentient being is capable of critically analyzing that the third fundamental force of nature and also the fourth fundamental force of nature, adduced by science, are in fact presentations of what in the Theory of Objectivity is called the Inductive Effect, added to the Seventh Absolute Truth. As seen, the Inductive Effect is of two types. The first is the expansive, which was responsible for creating the universal space from the Eternal Primitive Mathematical Essence; and the second is the reductive, which is the effect responsible for the creation of Memory Units (hydrogen atoms). These inductive and reductive effects are in fact joint syntheses of the Mathematical Truths that create the Universe. One of these truths that results in the expansive inductive effect is the Fourth Absolute Truth, which states that "Two different elements cannot exist in the same spatial spectrum without at least one boundary line also existing between them." The other absolute truth that composes the inducing effect synthetically, is the Fifth Absolute Truth, which states that "An element cannot exist in a spectrum without its faces being fully observed in a single instant by at least two other elements." The Reducing Inductive Effect is the set Synthesis of these Fourth and Fifth Absolute Truths, in addition to the Sixth Absolute Truth, which states that "Every element existing within the Universe is composed of elements prior to itself.

These third and fourth fundamental forces of nature adduced by human science in addition to being the presentation of these inducing effects now exposed synthetically are necessarily also the presentation of the interaction between these effects and the Seventh Absolute Truth. This last Absolute Truth states that "There cannot be a universe composed of existential systems without a substance transcending its quantum." All the fundamentals and how the transcendent element is formed are presented within that theory. The transcendent element is in truth what this theory also calls knowledge and this knowledge, translating into scientific language, represents the radiations emanating from within the atomic units and is initially formed within the inner rings of each Memory Unit. As it is put within this theory, "this accumulated knowledge within the Memory Units, hydrogen atoms, is a kind of radiation, and this radiation is qualitatively different according to the knowledge accumulated by the Memory Units and also according to the logical level in which it is located." The weak and strong forces adduced by science are in fact presentations of these inductive effects together with the purpose that justifies the very existence of the universe: the formation and exchange of knowledge among the existential units that compose it. All of these forces of nature necessarily relate to this exchange of knowledge that occurs between the elements that make up the universal quantum, and this knowledge is the atomic radiation itself, in its various forms and intensities.

At a time when science points in the direction of yet another fundamental force of nature, this too, must submit to the whole logical and unitary set presented by the Theory of Objectivity. In this sense, it can be verified within the body of this theory what are called clear zones and dark zones. Light zones are spectral portions where plasma has become essentially centrifugal, allowing the formation of light, which is the way in which this theory presents a phenomenal element resulting from the essential interaction between radiation and total plasma. The dark zones adduced by this theory are not matter but plasma energy composed essentially of secondary magnetic plasma. In one of its early stages the universe was composed only of a primitive atomic mass formed of hydrogen and secondary magnetic plasma. This primitive atomic mass is initially essentially dark, for at this initial moment there is still no tertiary plasma, which is responsible for the creation of the alternating logic currents of plasma and matter, creating the essential centrifugal effect in the formation of the total plasma and in the generation of the element phenomenal light. As it is substantiated within the body of this theory, even after the end of the Centrifugal Era, the Universe still lives with spectral portions that still occur without an essential centrifugation and for this reason they are represented essentially by atomic currents composed of hydrogen, helium and , also non-essentially centrifugal streams of secondary magnetic plasma and tertiary plasma.

There are no patches or jolts within the Objectivity Theory. All the foundations presented are directly connected to each other always in a justified way via geometric analysis, mathematics and rational logic. This fact makes this theory a complete description of nature and not a mosaic of information with often disconnected and contradictory pieces. And all these foundations presented had a single origin: Nothing. From this Primitive and Eternal Mathematical Essence, using the Defragmentation Method, this Theory of Objectivity presents in a single logical body this set of truths that explain in an ever-grounded way, the occurrence of forces and phenomena existing within the Universal Total Logical Instance.

What will make prove the Theory of Objectivity to be correct is not only the high number of corroborations that can be seen from its foundations presented in comparison with the quantum reality of the observed universe. Indeed, this theory will become accepted as true when large numbers of rational beings stripped of religious, scientific, and philosophical beliefs form a level of conviction with global extension permeating the entire terrestrial biological web, generating an essential and true spiritual energetic current. For this reason my invitation would not be another: Please read and understand the Theory of Objectivity.

COMMENTARY NUMBER 002 - 09/25/2016

Logic can take us from point A to point B. Imagination can take us anywhere. However without the will to form ideas we will never leave point A and we will not get anywhere.

COMMENTARY NUMBER 003 - 09/25/2016


1st Way: To believe that before all there was God, who was able to act and create the universe; this requires faith.
2nd Way: To believe that before the universal space there already existed temperature and movement configured in a singularity capable of expanding and forming the universe; this requires faith.
3rd Way: To believe that before space had been formed it is not possible for God or temperature to exist, or for movement to be set in motion, but only a significant logical essence of eternity; this does not require faith.

COMMENTARY NUMBER 004 - 09/25/2016


It is a constant throughout the history of man that knowledge is continually constructed, and that culture is the form that permeates a social web making it a unique existential element. I call this set of forms of knowledge represented by the arts, philosophy, religion, political ideology and science culture. Every web is, of course, a unique geometric form of existence, but necessarily constructed by other diverse geometric forms that compose it as a unit.

The periphery syndrome within human societies is configured in a dogmatic and fundamentalist idolatry that some individuals located in the periphery of this social web possess by the geometric elements contained in the center. In fact, mathematically what one has is that these geometric forms that are located in the periphery of the web are derivations of those central geometric formations. The syndrome sets in when peripheral individuals come to believe that only the knowledge coming from the geometric center are valid and any other knowledge originating in the periphery itself are heresies that must be combated without discussion. In this way, a belief is established that only new forms of knowledge coming from the center can be honestly understood, but any new form of knowledge that has its origin in the periphery itself must be ridiculed immediately.

Many of these individuals contained in the periphery of that single plan follow those precepts from the center dogmatically and fundamentally. In this way, several of the sensible rational beings contained in the periphery will become representatives of this knowledge of central origin. The syndrome begins to be configured and can be diagnosed when these representatives of peripheral formations do not admit to even honestly discussing forms of knowledge that contradict the precepts of the dominant cultural command, even if this new form of knowledge is supported by a reasonable body of information arranged in an intelligible and specifically scientifically testable model. All those who somehow attempt to counteract that form of knowledge from the dominant center are immediately rejected and ridiculed by the individuals afflicted by the disastrous syndrome.

This fact has long been observed within philosophy and religion, when philosophical and religious dogmas originating from the dominant center permeate the social fabric and all forms of peripheral thinking that contradict these precepts are fought as heresies. The syndrome is therefore configured not in the fact that individuals representing the center defend their values. In truth, what constitutes the syndrome is the fundamentalist dogmatism that engages the reasoning of these individuals making them incapable of accepting new forms of knowledge, when this knowledge comes from the periphery itself and does not rely on a dominant theoretical or ideological referential. That is, those affected by the syndrome are unable to challenge in a timely manner each of the misconceptions committed by the new form of peripheral knowledge if this knowledge is not derived directly from the theories or ideologies that served to give them cultural training. When the syndrome sets in, any new form of knowledge presented from the periphery itself is entirely rejected without an honest refutation of each of the fundamental points that give support to that new form of knowledge. Representatives who are ill with the periphery syndrome do not bother to point out the imperfections in these new forms of knowledge, but simply ridicule them immediately, since they do not come from the dominant center or do not have a central theoretical or ideological reference.

When cultural knowledge is set in science, this syndrome reaches its highest level of absurdity. This is because science is a form of knowledge that does not admit absolute truths. Thus the individuals affected by the periphery syndrome become true fundamentalist followers, since truths from the center may serve to distort an earlier truth, but those from the periphery do not serve unless they are based on the dominant theoretical frameworks. In this sense, the scientific method comes to exist for those individuals affected by this nefarious syndrome contradictorily, because this scientific methodological form can only be applied to knowledge necessarily coming from the dominant center or at least based on this knowledge.

As a rule, if the new form of peripheral knowledge has a reasonable body, what will happen in a later period, individuals belonging to the geometric center will emulate those ideas contained in the lateral limits of the social web. When this form of peripheral knowledge is assimilated by individuals of the dominant center and gradually passed on to the whole web, even the peripheral, then those individuals chained by the syndrome begin to accept this new knowledge, when it comes to science, that "novelty" as usable in the falsification established rules.

I do not think indifference is comparable to this crazy syndrome, but to death itself. Thus there is, the need for individuals contained in the periphery and who are not affected by this dogmatic syndrome, to manifest themselves, pointing out errors and accuracies of the new form of knowledge originated from their peripheral peers, generating a mature and honest debate, even the scientific method of identifying theories in a flexible way with reason, because in a different way this method would become absolute and would be contrary to its own precepts. Only in this way can knowledge contained in the geometric sides of the social body be truly rejected or even gain recognition and propagate from that peripheral zone, illuminating the rest of the web.

COMMENTARY NUMBER 005 - 11/14/2016

In today's sciences, the weight of the word of men who excel at testing outweighs the weight of the word of men who are specialists in thinking. In the new sciences that wish to evolve positively, this rule must necessarily be reversed, since the specialty of thought is what distinguishes a man who continually adapts himself to reality, including to be able to prepare and evaluate any test or methodology with more reason, than from one that retains only empirical techniques.

COMMENTARY NUMBER 006 - 06/18/2017

Seven propositions and a new universal paradigm.

A paradigm is the logical body of a theory or a model capable of bringing about significant modifications to human existence. I believe that where there is a paradigm, there will necessarily be at least one great revolution, if not multiple revolutions.

The assumptions that make up a model are scientifically valid when it has been proven in the material world, through tests carried out by intelligent rational beings, and the predictions described by the propositions actually.

Humanity is facing something new that I consider a paradigm. I have reason to affirm that humanity, considered from the sciences, philosophies, religions, political ideology and also the arts, will, in its own time, understand what this new paradigm will represent for the construction of a new world, and the basis for its odyssey have already been released.

The basis for the construction of this new world has a name: Theory of Objectivity - The Third Way.

By weaving this affirmation and throwing it into the scientific, philosophical, religious, political ideology and artistic world, only two paths await me: public neglect or recognition. I even understand that I will never attain recognition without first passing the opposite route and the uncomfortable pathways of indifference. However, a revolution cannot be made without sacrifices, and it is for this reason I am giving myself in body and spirit to such an attempt. It is also true that one cannot make a revolution on one’s own, and for this reason I will need to have many more soldiers join me in this universal front.

I say this because it would not be possible, if we were faced with a falsehood, that a set of seven premises, all described within the body of the theory of objectivity as presuppositions, also called absolute truths, found in the real world so many corroborations. Some of these corroborations are widely proven and tested by the sciences and others concretely observed in nature by human beings of rational sensibility, which also translates into an empirical test of high value.

What I mean without fear of being sacrificed is that the Theory of Objectivity no longer requires scientific tests to corroborate its preposition, as many of these possible tests have already been carried out and are of public knowledge. On the other hand, what I understand is that the Theory of Objectivity now requires tenacious critics of all areas of human culture determined to fight against this set of assumptions and to demonstrate their falsities. I say this because otherwise there will be no other way but the realization that at last humankind has found the cornerstone that supports the understanding of how the universe came into existence and continues to exist. What I mean is that if the Theory of Objectivity is not shown to be false, the whole framework of modern human knowledge about universal existence will need to be restructured.

These corroborations to which I refer are, in part, scientific tests of broad human knowledge and, in part, logical conclusions which can be gauged by the sensible being stripped of scientific, religious, and philosophical dogmas.

I will not go on to describe these seven prepositions, but merely draw the attention of the world that they are all put in the body of the Theory of Objectivity as Absolute Truths and can be gauged by anyone who wants to know them.

It is disposed in the body of the Theory of Objectivity that the first three prepositions make up what can be termed eternity. Eternal is taken as that which has not had a genesis and therefore has always existed. These first three prepositions geometrically form a logical figure which I have chosen to call Nothing. And I named this first geometric figure Nothing because in this Age there is still no space, there is no universe and therefore there is still an Existential Age.

This antagonistic spherical point, called Nada, does not constitute an Existential Age because there is no other element different from itself. That is, there is no formed universe in the Age of Nothing containing at least one reference or an existential being first. This Nothingness of eternity, when represented with support in these three initial prepositions, geometrically forms a spherical point. However, this spherical point has no logical size, since there is no reference other than itself. Therefore, it can be said that the Nothingness can be the size of an atom or the size of a galaxy. Everything will be the same. The size of Nothingness only gains logical significance when the Total Universe forms completely.

When the Theory of Objectivity adds to the first three preposition two further prepositions, that logically arise from the spherical point antagonistic to the first logical filaments that begin to compose the universal space. The universe, of course, will only arise when this new space is composed in the form of a sphere. The five prepositions together in logic, as demonstrated in the paradigmatic model, compose a sphere with logical characteristics similar to the geometric logical characteristics of the antagonistic starting point called Nada. Only by this fact, it could already be concluded that there is a revolutionary model, but the corroborations do not stop there and will still appear in the tens. However, I will list here only a few of those corroborations which I consider to be the main ones.

During the formation of the universe there is no real movement. That is, there is no displacement because the filaments that arise remain static during expansion. Strictly what happens is not an expansion but rather the emergence of the filaments that will compose the quantum mass that will form the universe in its initial moment, called in the Theory of the Objectivity of zero moment. In this Age, called Tempus Antagonicus, there are no such phenomena as temperature, magnetism, light, radiation, and electricity. This Age of the Tempus Antagonicus is composed exclusively of these first five prepositions. There is no random, relative, or subjective factor in its construction in this Age. The Theory of Objectivity calls this set of five first logical assumptions Objective Will. This objective imposes itself as logical truth, transforming these first five prepositions into a universe with a perfect sphere. The way in which this transformation takes place is demonstrated in a logical and continuous geometric model within the Body of the Theory of Objectivity, supported exclusively in the first five prepositions and without the presence of any gap.

When the universe is composed in a logical way from the first five prepositions, the last two prepositions that completely compose the paradigmatic model of the Theory of Objectivity are born immediately. With exclusive protection in these seven preposition presented, the Theory of Objectivity demonstrates in a continuous way, logical and without gaps, the emergence of several facts and events that in a real and also rationalist way corroborate the whole theoretical set. With support in these prepositions the model demonstrates the emergence of the real movement, configured in the displacement that a plasma filament accomplishes within the quantum mass of the universe. The formation of the total universe gives rise to what is called the Existential Age, since besides a universe logically composed of plasma filaments, there also exists the reference and the necessary limits to say that the Age of Nothing has been overcome. The theory presents, with exclusive support in the prepositions asserted, that the universe is logically composed as a geometric figure that contains at its center the minimum logical reference represented by the initial spherical point that is transmuted in logical point, and by the maximum total sphere that composes the limits of the existential universe, putting an end to one of the problems existing in other theories that is the question of the horizon and the limits of the universe. These maximum and minimum limits are logical conditions for the occurrence of an existential universe, where the geometric arrangements that form there occur as relative truths representative of the images produced and accumulated as knowledge (radiation) by the atomic units.

As reference for this total universe formed, with support also exclusively in the logical preposition presented, emerges, simultaneously to the formation of this maximum sphere, the necessary referential being so that it can be said that there is an existential age. That is, the universal existence is configured by the occurrence of a space containing within itself a first element as a reference. And this first referential element, called the alpha element, contained within the universe, is the Embryonic Memory, which will be able to absorb and transform the knowledge that existed until then (the first five preposition) into new geometric forms also capable of forming and supplying a new knowledge that begins in this era its formation. Logically and with exclusive support in these prepositions, the Theory of Objectivity demonstrates how the Units of Memories are formed from an Existential Logical Speed and within the Embryonic Memory. This logical speed represents in itself the minimum logical interval required in the formation of each of the filaments that arose during the Antagonic Age. This same Existential Logic Speed will be essential for these geometric sets composed exclusively of the first five preposition that begin to form spherical units called Memories Units (hydrogen atoms), from the addition of the sixth premise and the seventh premise. I want to say that here is a first scientific proof that corroborates what the theoretical paradigmatic body demonstrates, since it is well known and familiar that the hydrogen atom exists as a single sphere composed of a series of smaller subatomic particles.

From the unique and exclusive application of the seven prepositions, the Theory of Objectivity demonstrates how the transcendent element, which is a significant substance exists within the universe, emerges and what it means without, however increasing the quantum mass that makes up this universe. This is another corroboration presented by the Theory of Objectivity and is also proven by public and notorious scientific tests presented, since it is known that radiation, as described in models and in scientific tests, does exist and can transiently converge in the atomic units and in the space that makes up the universe. That is, what the Theory of Objectivity denominates of transcendent knowledge is significant of radiation, in its most varied forms and intensities, because this element does not increase the mass that composes the universe, occupying, mathematically, a space that already consists of other elements that total the universal quantum mass. In this sense, also with protection always exclusively in the seven preposition presented, the theory shows that in addition to the atomic elements, the universal quantum mass is composed by a substance called plasma. This plasma presented in said model passes through four stages of composition, duly presented continuously and without gaps in the logical model of the Theory of Objectivity. In the first stage, called Primary Plasma, what occurs are filaments that integrally make up the total mass of the universe. That is, when the universe appears and with it begins the count of current existential time, there is no matter and the total quantum mass of the universe is composed exclusively of these single-sized filaments called primary plasma. And this primary plasma is logically composed of the first five propositions presented in the model.

What I must point out is that the paradigmatic model of the Theory of Objectivity, which I also call The Third Way, is the opposite of what the Big Bang Theory proposes. That is, there was never in the universe the formation of the so propagated singularity composed by highly concentrated subatomic elements that explode. Also, the Theory of Objectivity contrasts with the so-called Inflationary Theory, which is a complement to the Big Bang Theory, because as it is logically demonstrated with exclusive protection in the first three prepositions, before the beginning of the expansion there was no void, there was no vacuum. It is not possible to have the total vacuum before or after the emergence of the universe. Zero cannot exist before a unit. In truth, the Nothing is a first eternal geometric form composed of a logical and mathematical essence described by three eternal prepositions. When we add to these three eternal preposition two further prepositions, what the Theory of Objectivity calls the Inductive Effect arises. This Inductive Effect will cause the primordial filaments called the Primary Plasma to appear and which initially make up the total quantum mass of the Universe. This emergence of the universal space composed of primary plasma is presented in a geometric model that corroborates in a rational way what the Theory of Objectivity presents, since any sensitive human being free of dogmas will be able to understand with exclusive support in the logic disposed by the first five prepositions that the emergence of filaments is a result that builds a universe in the form of a perfect sphere.

In the exact instant in which the universe is logically composed of primary filaments, the sixth premise is born, the Sixth Absolute Truth that underlies the Theory of Objectivity. The birth of this sixth premise will also promote the emergence of the Reducing Inductor Effect, because within the universal sphere, each Primordial Atomic Velocity Cycle will begin immediately to construct primordial atomic units configured in hydrogen atoms, also known as Memory Units. The way in which each Memory Unit is formed is also presented on an exclusive basis in the seven prepositions introduced in a logical model, continuous, and with no gaps. Together with the emergence of the first hydrogen atoms also begins the second stage of the plasma that makes up the universe. I call this plasma the Secondary Plasma, which is which is responsible for the phenomenon of magnetism, as it is described in a logical way without any gaps and with exclusive protection in the seven prepositions. Relevant facts must be emphasized here, because until this stage of universe development there are still no electric fields, as Inflationary Theory and Big Bang theory are presupposed to exist at the beginning of the formation of the Universe. Alias, before the universe is completed as a spherical unit, as stated, there is no real movement or displacement, as well as any phenomenon described as temperature, magnetism, electromagnetism, electricity, light and sound. It is only after the emergence of the Total Universe that these phenomena gradually begin to appear within themselves. Electrical phenomena are not verified during Secondary Plasma formation, only magnetic phenomena. The phenomenon of temperature merges within the universe from the first cycle of Existential Logic Speed, when the current universal time begins its count. This phenomenon is significant as it is temperature that allows for movement in the plasma that makes up the quantum mass of the universe at each specific stage of its development. Electrical phenomena are only born within the universe when the third stage of plasma begins to occur within the existential sphere. This Tertiary Plasma, as described in the paradigmatic theory, is geometric essence also translated from the premises presented and gains a logical designation of electric charge because it has a geometric configuration composed by a magnetic field and logical portion of plasma filament. This plasma filament resulting from the defragmentation of the primordial hydrogen atoms, and which form what is called the Primitive Atomic Mass, begin to suffer. As described in the Theory of Objectivity, this Primitive Atomic Mass begins to defragment from a process called extrusion. And this process of extrusion, as well as all other processes contained within the logical and paradigmatic model, is described continuously and without gaps, supported exclusively by the seven prepositions presented since the Antagonic Era.

Each of these presented processes are corroborative contained within the body of the theory itself, since any intelligent sentient being stripped of scientific, religious, and philosophical dogmas may conclude as true from logical findings.

The corroborations of this theory does not stop there, because the movements of these Secondary and Tertiary Plasma currents in interaction with the atomic units promote electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena that find support in scientific tests of notorious public knowledge, since they are also significant to temporary movements that these forces exert on the electrons of the atomic elements, as described therein with basis in the seven prepositions. I understand that a greater adjustment between the scientific models on electricity should necessarily be promoted with the paradigmatic model of the Third Route. It is noteworthy that the fourth stage of the plasma that forms the quantum mass of the universe together with the atomic units is significant to what is called Total Alternate Plasma, which is plasma composed alternately of the two previous plasmas, the magnetic and the charge. This total alternating plasma only exists in the spectral portions where the essential centrifugation occurred in an intense manner. That is, the primary magnetic plasma and the tertiary charge plasma will occur in these centrifugal spectral portions alternately. In spectral portions of the universe where the essential centrifugation has not yet been verified, these two plasmas will occur in an autonomous and separate manner. That is, in these non-centrifugal portions will occur large portions composed exclusively of magnetic plasma and also large quantum portions composed of tertiary plasma. In addition to these two species of quantum mass, secondary and tertiary, there will also be in non-centrifugal spectral portions the occurrence of large atomic masses, composed essentially of hydrogen and helium contained in secondary magnetic plasma. These significant spectral portions of magnetic quantum and atomic quantum contained in magnetic plasma are more corroborative than this Paradigmatic Theory presents, since scientific observations, as well as scientific models of public and notorious knowledge, affirm that much of the universe is composed of dark energy and dark matter. The Theory of Objectivity demonstrates with exclusive support in the absolute preposition that the spectral portions of secondary plasma do not form light inside or outside their body and that therefore they are seen by an observer as dark portions. On the other hand, the atomic masses composed essentially of hydrogen and helium and that are still contained in exclusively secondary plasma mass are also significant of great dark extensions, as is explained in detail by the Theory of Objectivity.

The corroborations within the body of the Theory of Objectivity add up to the tens, but I am here only synthesizing some that I consider essential. In this sense, it should be noted that the way in which the Memory Units (hydrogen atoms of a single sphere) are formed is described in a logical model supported by the seven prepositions. As is described in the paradigmatic theory, the representative sphere of the hydrogen atom is composed of eight different filament sizes. The larger filaments that make up the outer structure of the sphere are the same as the filaments of the Primary Plasma repositioned to compose the Memory Unit. In turn, the seven types of filaments with different sizes of the primary and that are positioned internally to the sphere, are the result of the Action of the Reducing Inductive Effect, which also occurs by application of the first six assumptions. In spite of the need for an adjustment that allows a fine tuning between what the Theory of Objectivity informs and what the scientific models present, I understand that these tests of public and notorious knowledge also corroborate the Theory of Objectivity, because they have subatomic particles (filaments), In addition to structures compatible with the magnetic fields internal to the spheres that make up the protons and neutrons of the atoms. In this sense, it should be emphasized that these filaments that make up the internal structure of an atom are contained in a set formed by three logical geometric substances. And these three logical substances are also significant from the three prepositions that represent unitary filament, magnetic field and boundary lines. The force that holds these filaments together at the center of each proton and of each neutron is derived from the logic constructed from the Tempus Antagonicus and is based exclusively on the prepositions presented. The model discussed also exposes how the primary hydrogen atom of a single sphere forms, composing, at the end of the so-called Logical Age of Rails, the Primitive Atomic Mass that integrally forms the universe together with the secondary plasma in the subsequent Era. There is no empty space within the universe.

It is worth emphasizing that, with exclusive support in the presented prepositions, the paradigmatic theory demonstrates the essential parts of the atoms, describing in a detailed way how they are composed and even presenting the electronic levels, besides the way the electrons are formed and relate to the Spheres. In fact here are some more corroborations of the Theory of Objectivity, because there are tests and theoretical models of public knowledge and notorious, realized by science, that demonstrates that the atoms have electronic layers and electrons that surround these atoms through these magnetic fields. The Theory of Objectivity, with exclusive support in the seven prepositions, demonstrates in a logical model, continuous and without gaps what they mean and how they form these electronic layers and these electrons that surround the atoms in essentially elliptical routes.

I understand that the Quarks, Gluons, and Bosons adduced by science exist as anomalous parts of the filaments / particles, when an atom is defragmented. However, I also understand that scientific attempts to defragment an atom to the maximum cannot succeed, and these fragments will only mean arrangements of different parts. In this sense, the Theory of Objectivity has its own method, called the Defragmentation Method, which, under the seven absolute prepositions, presents in a single model, without patches or gaps, all the parts that compose the atom from its primordial formations.

However, the weak and strong forces which science attributes to these particles in truth are the result of the so-called Expansive Inductive Effect and the Reductive Inductive Effect, synthetic representatives of the preposition presented in the Theory of Objectivity. Indeed, all the subatomic particles adduced by science find support in the preposition adduced by the paradigmatic theory, composing arrangements or subsets from the seven Absolute Truths, in geometric representation. It is worth mentioning that all seven prepositions adduced by the Theory of Objectivity have a geometric representation, because, as it is described in fact, there is no form of knowledge that does not have a geometric configuration. Only the Infinite occurs without geometric form and for this reason is representative of a mathematical condition of significant existence of total non-occurrence. In truth, the infinite composes what is called eternity along with two other first absolute truths. However, even after the formation of the Total Universe and the beginning of the Existential Age, infinity continues to occur, for it is not possible for the universe to exist without a geometrical limit. The universe, contrary to established scientific models, does not expand. The expansion that takes place is outside the universe and not within it. It is evident that both the spacing and the recession of galaxies occurs, since the material systems formed by the essential centrifugation have constant movement within the universal dimensions. I understand that the movement of spacing is the one that will be verified for the spectra and, consequently, for the galaxies at the center of the universe, where these formations occurred in greater quantity from the Era denominated of Centrifuge. This verified departure from galaxies occurs because the Centrifugal Era is significant in the formation of spectra and galaxies composed from the center of each of the four spatial dimensions. That is, galaxies form within each dimension from their centers and not in the same way throughout their body. In this way, the main galactic formations concentrated in the centers of the spatial dimensions begin a movement away towards the edges of the universal sphere, as already described in observations and scientific tests of knowledge, both public and notorious. This fact causes the false sense or the false understanding that the universe is expanding. As said, the universe logically cannot expand, because the expansion that occurs perpetually is outside of itself, composing a new exponentially superior universe.

It is not possible to have parallel universes or any of those events adduced by science as possible ways for the universe to end or to succumb. That is, it is not possible that a rupture occurs in the universe, or a Big Rip. There is also no logical possibility that the universe will end with a contraction, or a Big Crunch. I say this because the model presented in the Theory of Objectivity demonstrates in a logical, continuous and without gaps that after the formation of the Pioneer Universe that is formed from the expansion of Nothingness, a new universe exponentially greater immediately begins to be constructed, also under the first five assumptions presented. It is not possible to have multiple universes or parallel universes. Indeed, within the universe formed there are multiple existential systems. The universe has a spherical shape and this sphere is logically divided into four exact and symmetrical dimensions. Within each of these dimensions there are global systems called spectra. And each spectrum is composed of smaller derivative systems of galaxies and similar formations. Each galaxy is composed of other smaller derivative systems, such as Existential Ultimate Instance Systems, such as the solar system. The presentation of how these dimensions of the universe, these global spectra and these derived systems in galaxies and other derived formations occur is made with exclusive protection in the seven prepositions presented.

Obviously, the Theory of Objectivity demonstrates and affirms that the present universe will necessarily succumb, but not with support for the reasons presented by scientific models of public knowledge. In fact, the current universe will succumb because the hydrogen atoms that make up the primitive Atomic Mass were constructed in a finite number and many of them are defragmented and transformed into tertiary plasma from in the Era called the Tertiary Plasma Logic Currents. In addition, the atoms in the Theory of Objectivity are elements that absorb knowledge, which is arranged in the form of radiation. When the ability of most atoms to absorb knowledge is exhausted, and simultaneously the hydrogen and helium reserves are nearing their end, the universe will begin to succumb. This death of the universe will not mean the end, for a new universe will necessarily already be formed outside the succumbing universe. That is, just as the antagonistic point is fixed at the center of the pioneer universe, the second universe that emerges after what the Theory of Objectivity calls the second wave will also be contained within the young universe, which emerges exponentially superior geometrically. This means that a universe will be creates when the current universe begins to die, this death will also mean a new rebirth, because the universes are formed successively and the last universe in formation will always contain within itself the previously formed universe, placed at its center. The death of a universe will thus mean a freeze or a Big Freeze, since the depletion of the hydrogen and helium reserves will also mean the failure of the existential systems and the movement promoted by the atomic units. In this way, all the universes die how they began, completely frozen. All these facts and demonstrations of how the universe began and why it begins its journey in a freezing age are duly explained within the Paradigmatic Theory in a continuous, model, sheltered exclusively in the Seven Absolute Truths.

The Age of Logical Currents of Tertiary Plasma is the moment from which within the universe the global spectra begin to form, fusions of atomic elements begin to occur, also within determined stages. I understand that the Centrifugal Era, which begins when the Tertiary Plasma Logic Currents begins to be found in the centers of the four universal dimensions, is also corroborated by what science already proves by observing the galaxies, since these stellar formations present many of them, Spiral and elliptical geometric shapes, which are compatible with the alternating macro currents of atomic matter and plasma occurring from the centers of the universal dimensions. Even irregular galaxies are compatible with dimensional centers where the atomic mass and plasma centrifugations occurred more intensely. Spectral portions composed of large masses of helium and hydrogen are compatible with zones contained within spatial dimensions that have suffered little from essential centrifugation. In fact, most of the observed galaxies have these shapes compatible with what the paradigmatic theory presents, but they are not compatible with a universe that has arisen from a Big Bang.

I want to draw attention to the fact that the probability of seven unique prepositions occurring within the universe and explaining in a single logical, continuous model, such a wide range of facts and phenomena supersedes any mathematical order derived from a randomness or a set of coincidences. Thus, as these prepositions exist and are in a concrete and verifiable way composing a model that when translated into the real world is corroborated by a series of facts and events, the Theory of Objectivity becomes a true Universal Theory.

I want to reiterate that the corroborations contained within the body of the Universal Paradigmatic Theory add up to the tens, but I am here presenting only a few examples. In this sense, this theory still presents a set of elements denominated as phenomenal. All these phenomenal elements presented are based only on the seven absolute prepositions. Each of these phenomena, to my understanding, is a corroboration of the Theory of Objectivity and all of them already have scientific tests of public and notorious knowledge or are empirical facts that can be verified by any human being. The phenomenal elements presented by the Paradigmatic Theory are: Temperature, Light, Sound, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Electricity, Black Holes, Quantum Reentrances, Colors and Thought. Of course, many adjustments between scientific models and the paradigmatic model can and do need to be realized. But what I repeatedly call attention to is that there could not be a fallacy made up of seven prepositions fitting so perfectly to show how phenomena in the universe occur.

The Third Route is not admitted as a scientific model, since it explicitly presents itself as a rational model written by a thinker and not by a scientist in a strict sense. Precisely for this reason the Theory of Objectivity uses its own language, conceptualizing events and avoiding the use of standard scientific language. However, this difference between a scientific model and a philosophical or rationalist model exists only in the real world as a sort of reservoir of power and mastery of knowledge within modern societies. When a non-scientific theory, hypothesis, or philosophical model is presented and finds facts and events that prove them in the real world, this difference between science and non-science can only exist as a sort of taboo or dogmatic conviction to which the Theory of Objectivity narrates as being scientism. In these cases, unrestricted advocates of the dominant scientific model begin to see any other form of knowledge, even if feasible and proven in the real world, as heresies. This is a first front that Soldiers of Objectivity Theory must overcome.

After the Theory of Objectivity presents all the phenomenological elements and all the corroborative evidence that can or has already been proven scientifically and also empirically by sensible rational human beings, it begins the presentation of a series of logical finding and conclusions that also find more corroborations, when analyzed from the perspective of rational logic. What the Paradigmatic Theory says is that every man who is stripped of scientific, religious, and philosophical dogmas can, with the support of the seven prepositions presented, realize the conclusions that are put there. In the meantime, the theory begins the presentation of a set of other phenomena that are also observed in the material world, narrating the logical way of construction of what are there called Social Political Phenomena and Phenomenal Spiritual Elements. I will not go on to present these logical conclusions in the final part of the Theory of Objectivity, but I would like to say that there are also a series of empirical findings that likewise prove that the seven universal prepositions, the seven Absolute Truths, are not a fallacy and must necessarily influence the human cultural world, so that a mature and honest discussion can in fact reveal the truth to all.

In this sense, the Theory of Objectivity presents as a finding and conclusion of the logical model built continuously and without gaps, that God exists. This affirmation will certainly make the fronts of battles to be faced by the guardians of Paradigmatic Theory even more intense. However I understand that truth will prevail, for man is a logical being and can identify the mathematical truths when he analyzes them with rationally. Precisely for this reason, science rather than other cultural movements will be the first to comprehend and to systematically support the terms placed in the Paradigmatic Theory.

To conclude this brief presentation, I did not name the Paradigmatic Theory of Objectivity that without reason. This theory is presented as it is the first image of a horizon that will extend for many generations and that will forever transform human existence on earth and in the universe. I say this because by understanding how all the phenomenal elements occurring in the material world relate to one another, man will master existing sources of knowledge. And I call sources of knowledge not only the control and domain of radiation itself, but also and especially the control of plasma. I do understand that understanding plasma and being able to use it in a perfectly controlled way will bring to man the independence and autonomy in the use of an energy source that is not exhaustible and does not pollute the environment. To further stir up the minds of the necessary critics of the Paradigmatic Theory, this theory is the Fundamental Stone already launched for man to build his first vehicle with eternal energy autonomy. I want to say that man can build spaceships that can cross the universe in a controlled way and using fuel that is unlimited. In this sense, I mean that the alternating plasma currents in the essentially centrifugal galaxies will be configured as stellar paths where these human space vehicles will be able to cross. Plasma control and the way it relates to the streams of knowledge (radiation) will be fundamental for the human race to identify and communicate with other species of intelligent beings living in spectral potions distant from the earth. In this sense, I understand that scientific tests of public knowledge, which they adduce on the existence of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, corroborate what the Theory of Objectivity presents in its content, only having to do an interpretation of these scientific measurements in light of how much is predicted and demonstrated in the paradigmatic model. It is contained in the body of this theory what is called their Existential Systemic Derived Light, which is actually a set of radiations contained in the Solar System and more specifically in the Terrestrial Biological System, resulting from other types of radiation that exist in the universe and these specific systems generated and supplied by atomic units. These types of radiation in the material systems when they are contained outside the atomic units do not use the vacuum as a route, because there is no emptiness within the universe. The vacuum adduced by science in truth is necessarily filled by plasma. In centrifugal systems such as the Solar System, this plasma will usually appear as an alternating plasma, generating magnetic currents, charge currents and electromagnetic currents, when they temporarily cease to manifest in this alternating mode. I understand that science will need to understand and differentiate plasma from radiation. Plasma, in terms of the Theory of Objectivity, is a quantum unit that compose the total mass of the universe together with the atomic units. Plasma is not to be confused with radiation, but actually serves as a route for the various forms of radiation when they are placed outside the atomic units. When the radiation is positioned outside the atomic units and placed in a convergent way with the plasma, the light is formed in its most varied forms and intensities, as is demonstrated in the logical, paradigmatic, continuous model, and based on only the seven absolute prepositions.

I am not a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, or scientist attached to any type of research institute, and for this reason I cannot argue about theoretical models about the existence of neutrinos. But from what I understand about what is presented to the public, the neutrinos that have already been detected in tests carried out by science are in fact all of the total alternating plasma. As said, this plasma exists in the quantum regions that underwent the essential centrifugation and are directly responsible for the generation of magnetic, electric and electromagnetic phenomena. I understand that plasma itself is the neutrino detected by science and in fact exists as the smallest quantum particle that makes up the universe, because it is the result of atomic defragmentation, as there in the paradigmatic theory is demonstrated. I also understand that science will move in the direction of fine-tuning the existence of plasma (neutrino) and the various observations on subatomic particles that exist, including the photon. This is because in truth, as demonstrated in the Theory of Objectivity, light is the convergent interaction of the various forms of radiation with plasma, which can also vary from the total alternating formation to the intermediate (electromagnetic) formation, or even in totally separate currents , Generating magnetic fields and fields with charge. When these interactions occur in atomic environments, what science calls electricity occurs, because there will be the action of these currents with the electrons of the atomic elements. Plasma is also the logical explanation for the existence of gravity and the support of the celestial bodies in space, because the existing plasma mass is the result of the defragmentation of atomic units. For this reason, the Theory of Objectivity presents the magnetic field of the celestial beings as being responsible for the gravitational force of attraction, since the magnetic fields of the astronomical bodies and also of all atomic form are the denominated zones of zones of convergences, where the external plasma converges to a region that belongs to the atomic being as an individual.

I would like to conclude by saying that the probable revolutions brought about by the Theory of Objectivity are not limited to the material and energetic world, but will extend to the spiritual world, for the spirit, as described in the paradigmatic model, is not something supernatural but a manifestation of the interactions that the plasma and the radiations with terrestrial biological beings. In understanding that God exists and in the form that this existence takes, each man will change in a revolutionary way his way of seeing and relating to other men and other biological species. As the God presented by the Theory of Objectivity is not a single being but social and composed of an exponential set of various alternating and energetic currents of plasma, atoms and radiation, men will commune in this attempt to understand and interact with these forms of power. Computers will be at the center of this spiritual revolution, for they are already instruments that connect men to the most varied forms of knowledge. The spiritualized man of the revolution brought about by the Third Way will not be far from technology, but instead will use technology as a way of effecting its quantum connections.

Revolutions will not end there, for these changes in the spiritual man will bring consequences in the modes of production and consumption of material goods. The level of consumption of material goods will be reduced in the capitalized centers and the nations that now live with poverty will begin to consume goods at similar levels to other nations. This revolution will also be based on the fundamental fact that the earth population is already close to reaching its peak, and then tends to move to substantially lower levels. In a second moment there will be no more poverty in the world.

The Theory of Objectivity can also be termed the Theory of Universal Conciliation. This is because this theory brings in its wake probable revolutions in the way the human cultural web will relate from its diverse ramifications. In this sense, for example, science and religion will not be incompatible with each other. I could also enumerate a series of revolutions that will possibly occur from the human understanding of the universal quantum and all the existent spiritual and energetic phenomenal elements. However, I now want only to urge everyone to read and understand the Theory of Objectivity, for otherwise it will not be able to fulfill its role in the universe.

COMMENTARY NUMBER 007 - 03/22/2018

British physicist and researcher Stephen Hawking, shortly before his death responded to a question from US astrophysicist Neil Tyson on a television program in the United States, stating that nothing happened before the Big Bang. Hawking also stated that the laws of physics do not apply until the Big Bang had occurred. For him, the Universe evolved independently of what may have existed before.

Respectfully, I want to draw attention from the international scientific community to say that if before the universe arose there was a non-existence in which the laws of physics cannot be applied, then it is unavoidable to note the fact that only a theory with fundamentals in an essential logic can be used to demonstrate how the universe formed from nothing. This unique logical theory capable of demonstrating the origin of the universe from nothing, which I want to propose, has already been presented to the world at

COMMENTARY NUMBER 008 - 09/16/2018

In the graph that portrays the mathematical logic of Quantum Mechanics of the Theory of Objectivity, the Memory Unit internally has the neutral white logical color, because if an element exists, it has, besides a geometric form, a logical color. Total black and white are the two existing neutral logical colors and have their origins demonstrated in this theory. The logical parts of the Memory Unit in the figure are highlighted in black, blue, white, green and orange for demonstrative purposes only. A Memory Unit is constructed from the Expansive Inductive Effect and the Reductive Inductive Effect, which are syntheses of the mathematical logical truths presented by the Theory of Objectivity. The way a Memory Unit is constructed is presented in the mathematical logical model of Theory of Objectivity.

The external structure of the Memory Unit is increased in the figure for demonstrative purposes, but each Memory Unit is a near perfect sphere. The blue bar represents the straight portion of the ball that can tangent a flat surface when in a static position. This straight or micro square portion equals 1/64 part proportional to the sphere's perimeter.

The sphere is composed of 4 faces, also called chambers or dimensions, simultaneously symmetrical and proportional. Each chamber is subdivided into 7 fields. The entire geometric content of the Memory Unit is constructed from the Absolute Truths presented in the logical model of the Theory of Objectivity. If a Memory Unit is partially defragmented so that the parts or sub elements that compose it remain integers, then a total of 64 subatomic particles (filaments) will be formed, with 8 different sizes. That is, by defragmenting a proton or a neutron are formed 8 distinct types of subatomic particles, in addition to the electrons that occur in the electronic layers. When the atomic element is composed of two or more spheres, then points of fusion occur with the boundary line nature, since protons and neutrons do not intersect at the center of an atom.

Each of the fields of the Memory Units generates and stores within itself information in the form of an externally captured image, also called in the Theory of Objectivity of transcendent element or knowledge, which is equivalent to the radiation of human science. The protons accumulate the transcendent element, but the neutrons do not accumulate.

There is no electrical charge inside a Memory Unit, but only radiation. A memory unit that forms a proton accumulates radiation within itself. And a Memory Unit that forms a neutron does not accumulate within itself radiation but has the passage within its chamber and radiation fields transiently and at low frequencies. Two or more fused Memory Units form an atomic element called a Reason Unit. For each proton there will be a respective neutron, but the number of neutrons may be larger than that of protons in the elements called isotopes by the Theory of Objectivity. The Theory of Objectivity demonstrates in its model the logical way in which the Memory Units fuse to form new atomic elements different from the hydrogen of a single sphere.

Radiation is called the transcendent element because it does not make up the quantum of the universal space or the existing atomic and subatomic units. That is, the transcendent element always converges to another logical substance that compose the universe. Before the universe appeared, there were only three logical geometric essences: 1) Plasma Filaments, derived from the primordial eternal point representing the First Absolute Truth; 2) Magnetic fields, belonging and derived also from the eternal logical point and representatives of the Second Absolute Truth; 3) Boundary Lines, also derived from the Eternal Primordial Point and representatives of the Fourth Absolute Truth. These 3 geometrical and logical substances expand in bundles from the faces of the Primordial Point until they form the total space of the first universe in form also of perfect sphere. When the universe arises there is no matter, but only space composed of these three logical and geometric substances. To this primordial space that occurs in the exact emergence of the universe, the Theory of Objectivity denominates Primary Plasma. This primary plasma occurs as alternating bundles of plasma filaments. Each of the plasma filaments has a unique and proper magnetic field that gives it unitary existence. Between two plasma filaments there will always be a boundary line, since it is not possible for two elements to exist distinctly and occur at the same frequency without a boundary line existing between them as a third element.

These sets of filaments are moved by the action of the Expansive Inductive Effect and are transformed into Memory Units (hydrogen atom of a single sphere) within the Embryo Memory framing fields, by the action of the Reducing Inductor Effect. This Embryonic Memory represents the flat lines that divide the universe into four symmetrical dimensions. The model shows how this construction occurs based on the seven absolute truths presented. This beginning of the formation of the hydrogen atoms of a single sphere until its complete conclusion is denominated Era of the Logical Rails. Together with the hydrogen atoms of a single sphere (Memory Units) is also formed what the theory calls Secondary Plasma, which is the magnetic plasma with a logical value equal to -1. Everything that occurs from expansion to the Age of Logical Rails has a mathematical and objective nature, since there is still no randomness and relativity within the universe. At the end of the Age of Rails, the universe is composed of two distinct quantum elements: secondary magnetic plasma and hydrogen atoms of a single sphere. These hydrogen atoms that fill the entire magnetic plasma space the theory calls the Primitive Atomic Mass. After the end of the Age of Logical Rails there will be no more formation of hydrogen atoms in a single sphere in the universe. At the end of the logical rails these atoms of a single sphere gain movement and freedom within the universe and this represents the beginning of the presentation of two factors that did not exist until then: randomness of the movements and relativity in the absorption of the knowledge. The randomness occurs because the atoms will no longer be attached to the logical rails and will gain proper movement promoted by the Expansive Inductive Effect. This random motion will cause some of this primitive atomic mass to begin to be absorbed by the Central Embryonic Memory and initiate the process called in the extrusion theory. This extrusion process causes hydrogen atoms to defrag and become what the Theory of Objectivity calls the Tertiary Plasma. This tertiary plasma has a logical value of +1 and will have in its composition the three logical essences of the universe: Plasma Filaments, Magnetic Fields and Border Lines. This process of extrusion brings forth a new Era within the Universe: The Age of Logical Currents of Tertiary Plasma. The defragmentation of the hydrogen atoms of a single sphere promotes the formation of tertiary plasma currents that are alternately poured into the secondary plasma that existed until then. These currents are born at the ends of each dimension of the universal space and are directed to the centers of each of the four dimensions. During this era hydrogen atoms of a single sphere will fuse each other, forming more hydrogen atoms of the isotope types. Hydrogen isotopes and hydrogen atoms from a single sphere merge into new atomic elements composed of up to 13 spheres, mainly helium and its isotopes, lithium, beryllium, boron, and carbon. When these alternating currents of tertiary plasma begin to be found in the centers of the spatial dimensions, the Age of the Tertiary Plasma Logic Currents comes to an end and the Age called the Centrifuge begins. During this era the fusion of the atomic elements until then existing will occur exponentially high, since the alternating currents of plasma and primitive atomic mass will begin to be centrifuged in the centers of the spatial dimensions, beginning the formation of all the possible atomic elements composed by more than 13 Memory Units and generating spherical centers composed of centrifugal atomic mass that will be transformed in the most varied and diversified forms of stars, galaxies and diversified atomic agglomerations. The atoms form within themselves the transcendent element, which are the radiations, the images that the atomic spheres generate within themselves from the external environment. Radiation occupies mathematically a space that is already formed either by universal plasma or by atomic elements. For this reason, the radiation can travel freely within the space quantum composed of plasma or atomic matter. The level of knowledge absorbed by the atomic units is coupled with the absolute mathematical truths determining in the process of fusion and also of defragmentation of the atoms.

Each significant Memory Unit sphere has 7 field types in each of the 4 chambers. The number 1 fields more internal to the Memory Unit accumulate the most compressed or lower frequency radiation. The number 7 outermost fields accumulate the least compressed or higher frequency radiation.

Radiation has no color. Internally to a Memory Unit the radiation converges to the internal white color of this unit. There is no light inside a Memory Unit. Therefore, this inner white color is a logical color, called intrinsic color. However, when the radiations reach outer space to a Memory Unit they form the colors of the rainbow, also called in the theory of primary colors. The emitted radiations of ring number 7 will form the red primary color; the radiations emitted from ring number 6 will form the orange primary color; the radiations emitted from ring number 5 will form the primary yellow color; the radiations originating from ring number 4 will form the green primary color; the radiations emitted by ring number 3 form the primary blue color; the radiations originating from ring number 2 form the primary indigo color; and the radiations originating from the number 1 ring form the primary violet color in plasma environments. When the radiations in their various forms and intensities converge to the plasma the light will be formed, also in varied forms and intensities. The photon and other light component particles are just the presentation of the interaction of radiation with plasma. I understand that the neutrino detected by human science is actually the plasma presented by the convergence of some radiation. The celestial bodies do not emit neutrinos. If neutrinos are the plasma itself, then these neutrinos are everywhere in the universe outside protons and neutrons. Therefore, the plasma can only be generated when there is total defragmentation of an atomic element. In fact, the plasma (neutrino) will be shown and can be detected by the observer as the radiation in its most varied forms and intensities are converging to it.

The Inductive Effect is the synthesis of the Fourth Absolute Truth and the Fifth Absolute Truth and is represented in the atomic environment by electrons (melting points). These two absolute truths together allowed the expansion of the primordial point and the creation of universal space. In the existential era the Inductive Effect is that allows the movement, configured in the displacement of an element in relation to another element. Only the atomic elements have their own motion.

The Fourth Absolute Truth says: "Two different elements cannot exist on the same spatial spectrum and on the same frequency without a boundary line or a third element, which is space, between them."

The Fifth Absolute Truth says: "An element cannot exist in a spectrum without its faces being fully observed in one instant by at least two other elements."

The three logical and geometric essences that compose the universe are the logical substances forming the space configured as universal plasma and as spherical atomic units or subatomic particles resulting from the partial defragmentation of these spheres. It is not possible for the defragmented particles to come together again to form atomic units made up of Memory Units. The interaction of the atomic units with the plasma and with the transcendent element forms 7 logical sets denominated in the Theory of the Phenomenon of the phenomenological elements. The main phenomenal elements are: Light. Sound, Colors, Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Black Hole and Thought. All these phenomenal elements occur in exponential quantitative and qualitative variety and are the result of the convergent interaction between the three basic existential elements: plasma, atoms and radiation. The Theory of Objectivity demonstrates with exclusive foundation in the 7 absolute truths how these phenomenal elements form and occur logically.

The Electron and the point separating a proton from a neutron in the center of an atom have the nature of a boundary line. The force that holds protons and neutrons united at the center of an atom are determined by this central point and by the electron, which are syntheses of the geometric logical truths presented. The electron interacts with other neighboring atomic elements, given the Inductive Effect. When an atomic element fails to meet the requirements of Logical, Geometric, and Mathematical Truths, that element defragments completely and transforms into tertiary plasma.

The gravitational force is a logical consequence of the zone of convergence of the atomic elements. The convergence zone is the magnetic field of the atomic element that is converging with the universal plasma. Since every star is a result of the fusion and union of sets of atomic elements, then every star will also have its own internal and external convergence zones formed by the sum of the convergence zones of the atoms that make up its mass. The zone of external convergence is a region of attraction and repulsion of the element in relation to other existential elements. The zone of convergence of a star forms what science calls gravity or gravitational force, and is a realization of the Second Absolute Truth.

Plasma is the space itself. Secondary Plasma was formed together with the hydrogen atom of a single sphere and the tertiary plasma is the result of the defragmentation of hydrogen atoms and also of other atomic elements. From the hydrogen atoms all the other atomic elements are composed. These logical facts explain how the stars and other atomic formations are sustained and transited within the universal space, because space and matter are composed of the same logical essence: Plasma Filament, Magnetic Fields and Border Lines.

The magnetic, electromagnetic, electrical and sound forces are logical presentations of the plasma in diverse configurations, promoted by the movement of the atomic elements and the radiations. If the rectangles that make up the total alternating plasma are alternately aligned, their logical value will be zero and there will be no phenomenal elements formed. Any movement or misalignment of these rectangles will generate the phenomena of nature.


“The Theory of Objectivity is not a scientific theory of modern physics or quantum mechanics. The Theory of Objectivity is an openly philosophical theory grounded in geometric, mathematical, logical, and rational proofs. The Theory of Objectivity finds a series of corroborations in scientific tests of public and notorious knowledge, as well as many other empirical corroborations in the material world that can be detected by the sensible rational being, man. Despite its dense philosophical content, the proposed model is presented in a logical, geometric, mathematical, rational, continuous and without gaps.

The laws of physics, quantum mechanics, and cosmology cannot be presented, understood, and unified without the logical, geometric, mathematical, and rational truths originally contained in the Theory of Objectivity.

The numbers of evidence, corroborations and proofs existing in the theory of objectivity are so high that they make this theory at least intriguing and impose on the current managers and promoters of modern human knowledge, including the philosophical, the duty of Do not refuse to present their considerations of rebuttal or welcoming the theory of objectivity, under penalty of being one day charged by history."

Vidamor Cabannas

COMMENTARY NUMBER 009 - 10/28/2020

The Perfect Sphere - comment number 9 to the Theory of Objectivity.

Abstract: This Comment Number 9 to the Objectivity Theory aims to demonstrate the number of sides that make up the spherical point that occurred before the appearance of the Universe and confirm that it is not possible to build a minimal, perfect and logical sphere without it being composed in its maximum circumference by less than sixty-four straight sides. In sequence, the developments of the logical construction of the geometric elements derived from the perfect sphere are demonstrated, assessing a spatial reality that surpasses the three conventional dimensions of human mathematics, proving the existence of a fourth spatial dimension and a fifth logical dimension for every geometric element. The Theory of Objectivity is also called "The Third Way" or "The Third Theory", as a reference to be a third alternative explanation of the emergence of the universe, different from the Big Bang Theory and Creationism.


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